At this time, the rice chosen for Isojiman premium sake brewing is only top class Yamadanishiki, Gohyakumangoku and Aiyama grown in the Tojo region of Hyogo Prefecture.
Since 2010 Isojiman has been attempting to apply Japan’s very own AOC, special regional classification, by designating certain sake to be brewed exclusively with rice from specified rice fields in Furuke, Tsuneda and Saito in Tojo city. Junmai Daiginjo created with rice harvested from each of these specific fields are indicated by blue bottles and are to represent the terroir of the location in which the rice is grown.
Isojiman sake is characterized by its fruity “Ginjo-ka” fragrance and impeccable ability to complement cuisines such as Japanese, French and Italian Cuisines. Due to its seaside brewing location in Yaizu, it is also, of course, a great sake for pairing with seafood.
2010年以降、日本独自のAOC(特別地域分類)の適用を目指し、東条市の古家、常田、斉藤の各田んぼから収穫された米のみを使った醸造を進めています。 それぞれの田んぼで収穫された米を使った純米大吟醸は、青いボトルで表示され、米が育った場所のテロワールを表現しています。
フルーティーな吟醸香が特徴の「磯自慢」は和食やフレンチ、イタリアンなど世界各国の料理との相性を発揮しています。 また、焼津の海辺で醸造されているため魚介類との相性も抜群です。