Adjacent to the brewery, plots of Yamadanishiki Rice are cultivated by Imanishi Shuzo, with limited use of agro-chemicals and irrigated, with the same transcendent water source, used in the actual brewing process. Yields are minuscule but quality mesmerising; the cultivation process, laborious & back-breaking.
In addition to the perfectly clear and smooth taste, which has been thoroughly pursued, the sake has a powerful and full-bodied flavor derived from the soyashi water, and the complex flavors and aromas produced by the microorganisms that live in the wooden barrels - seemingly contradictory elements - but with the power of Miwa's brewing water, in which the god of sake resides, they create an exquisite harmony.
With each sip, the complex flavor from the wooden barrels slowly fills your mouth. The finish is finely textured yet powerful that lingers
「文化×歴史×土×手仕事」にこだわって醸される木桶菩提酛は、みむろ杉の哲学を見事に表現したお酒です。 徹底的に追求したすっきりとした滑らかな味わいに加え、そやし水由来の力強さとコク、木樽に生息する微生物が生み出す複雑な味わいと香りが特徴のお酒です。一見相反するように思える要素が、酒の神様が宿る三輪の仕込み水の力によって絶妙なハーモニーを奏でます