This Vol.5, the final volume in the "Noguchi Naohiko 90 YEARS OLD Special Edition", is a Yamahai Junmai Daiginjo sake made with Yamada Nishiki rice polished to 35%, the highest level since the opening of the Noguchi Naohiko Research Institute. This sake is worthy of being the final edition of the Sotsuju series, as evaluated by master brewer Noguchi Naohiko, who said, "It has few unpleasant flavors and a clean aftertaste," and "It was made to be the best in the 2022 Vintage."
農口氏の卒寿を記念して、その年に醸した限定酒『90 YEARS OLD Special Edition Vol.5』。農口尚彦研究所開設以来最高水準となる35%まで精米した山田錦を使用した山廃純米大吟醸酒です。 杜氏農口尚彦も「雑味が少なく、後味がすっきりしている」「2022年ヴィンテージの中で一番の出来に仕上がった」と評価する、90 YEARS OLD Special Editionの完結編にふさわしいお酒です。