In 1994, a new brewing facility for the Mizubasho brand was established with a strong focus on craftsmanship, pure water and quality rice, developing sake which represents the Nagai Style and has maintained a strong commitment to nature conservation in the area.
Many unique products have been developed since, in the Nagai Style. The Mizubasho Pure, the world’s first champagne style sake developed through a secondary fermentation, made great waves in the international market. Pure Sparkling took years of trial and error and many trips to wine producing areas of France, to finally be perfected and patented in 2008. Pure is highly regarded by world renowned chefs for its rare texture and its ability to match well with a wide range of cuisines.
以来、永井流を貫いたユニークな商品が数多く開発されています。 世界初の二次発酵によるシャンパンスタイルの日本酒水芭蕉ピュアは、国際市場で大きな反響を呼びました。 ピュアスパークリングは、試行錯誤を繰り返し、フランスのワイン産地へ何度も足を運び、2008年にようやく完成し特許を取得しました。ピュアは、その希少な質感と幅広い料理との相性の良さで、世界の著名なシェフから高い評価を得ています。