Hagino Shuzo



Hagino Shuzo is located in the small rural village of Arikabe in Miyagi Prefecture, along the Oshukaido, a historical road which connects Tokyo to Hokkaido.  The brand Hagino Tsuru was first established in 1840. The name Hagino Tsuru means “the crane of the Hagi flower” and was chosen to represent the pristine natural environment of the area.  

Mr. Sato Yohei is the 8th generation of his family as brewery head while his younger brother Yoshiyuki has been Toji, master brewer, since 2006. The Hiwata brand was established in 2002 which is exclusively brewed in the Yamahai and Kimoto styles.  

東京と北海道を結ぶ歴史的な奥州街道沿いの宮城県有壁町で1840年に創業した萩野酒造。 萩野酒造を代表する「萩の鶴」は1840年に確立され、「萩の花」にちなんで名付けられました。「萩の鶴」とは「萩の花の鶴」という意味で、この地の美しい原風景を表現するために名付けられました。
