Hagino Shuzo believes that only by taking the utmost care to ensure that the rice, water, yeast, and koji mold are functioning healthily and are not damaged by negative external factors can they produce "the ideal sake" as envisioned.
It is with this commitment that Hagino Shuzo brewed this mellow, dry sake with a soft mouthfeel, by ensuring each process, such as the timing of pasteurization and storage temperature, has been adjusted for autumn weather.
萩野酒造は、米、水、酵母、麹菌が外的要因に負けずに健全に機能するよう細心の注意を払ってこそ、思い描いた「理想の酒」ができると考えています。 そんな萩野酒造がこだわりを込めて、火入れのタイミングや貯蔵温度など各工程を秋の気候に合わせて調整し、まろやかな口当たりの辛口酒に醸しました。