Iinuma Honke



With a history that spans at least 300 years, Iinuma Honke has been committed to sake brewing since the Edo period, even possibly since the Genroku period of the late 1600’s.  Now on its 16th generation Kuramoto, it has gone from a large brewery employing 60 to 70 seasonal workers from the north each brewing season, to a 5-man operation currently.  

Situated in Chiba Prefecture in a town called Shisui Machi, a village with its own 400-year history, a location not far from Narita Airport. Before most, Iinuma brewery began its own in-house rice polishing back in 1938 in attempts to have full control over its production process, a step virtually unheard of at that time in sake brewing. 

成田空港からほど近い千葉県酒々井町に拠点を構える飯沼本家は、三百年以上の歴史を持ち、江戸時代、場合によっては元禄時代より酒造りに携わってきた歴史があるといわれています。 仕込み時期には北国から季節労働者、おおよそ60~70人程雇う大蔵だった頃とは打って変わり、現在は5人体制で酒造りを行っています。
