Since the succession of current Kuramoto Kiichiro Iinuma in 1981, the business has scaled down in production and put the focus on top-quality sake brewing by investing in modern brewing machinery. Currently, the brewery owns a precise and high-end rice milling machine that conducts flat milling, a process which focuses on taking off more of the proteins of the rice grain to lead to a more refined taste in their sake. Computerized tanks are used for fermentation equipped with mechanical stirring mechanisms and precise temperature control for low temperature brewing. Such high-tech equipment allows the brewery to function with just 5 dedicated year-round brewers including their Toji, Mr. Kiichiro Iinuma.
The water used for brewing comes from 100 meters below, from 2 separate wells on the brewery grounds, providing soft water to develop a soft and luscious texture in their sake. Once Kinoene Sake has been fermented, pressed and bottled, it is stored in a super cold storage facility at -5 degrees to maintain optimal freshness before shipping.
1981年に現16代目蔵元である飯沼喜市郎氏に引き継がれた後は生産量を減らし、最新の醸造機械に投資して高品質の酒造りに専念しています。精密で高級な精米機を導入し、米のたんぱく質をより多く取り除く「平精米」を行い、より洗練された酒を醸しています。 発酵には機械的な攪拌機構と精密な温度制御を備えたコンピューター制御のタンクを使用し、低温醸造を実現しています。 こうしたハイテク機器を駆使することで、杜氏の飯沼喜市郎氏を含むわずか5人の専属蔵人で年間を通して酒造りを行っています。